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Care Solutions
24 Mar 2011
Minding the Gap - Providing for Self Payers. A Policy Review TV Analysis Programme held at 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster London SW1
Need help on access to video click here? Download latest version of Flash here A national policy TV programme and Westminster seminar setting out the dilemmas and choices for the Dilnot Commission and government on funding of future care costs for the elderly. This policy analysis event brought together the latest evidence and research with policy makers, advocacy groups, industry speakers and parliamentarians to examine the issues and look at options for the future funding of care and in particular for self payers. Filmed, edited and made available online as an expert analysis archive which can be used in the debate ahead.
Chris Horlick, Managing Director of Care, Partnership
Welcome & Introduction from Chair

Norman Lamb MP, Chief Parliamentary and Political Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister and former Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary
Keynote address

Michelle Harrison, CEO, TNS
Social Trends and the Future

Richard Humphries, Senior Fellow, Social Care, The King’s Fund
Partnership Models

Comment - led by David Brindle, Public Services Editor, The Guardian
Les Mayhew, Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance, CASS Business School
Private Finance Products in Partnership Model

Julien Forder, Professor of the Economics of Social Policy and Deputy Director, PSSRU, University of Kent and Principal Research Fellow, London School of Economics
Role of the INA

What's on now:
Comment - led by David Brindle, Public Services Editor, The Guardian
Kerry Stevens, Head of Service Provision, Adult Social Care, Buckinghamshire County Council
Outreach and Education by Local Authorities

Ian Owen, Chairman, Partnership and the ABI Long Term Care Working Group
Is the Industry Equipped to Provide Insurance Solutions?

Lord Lipsey, President, Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA)
The Importance of Finding Qualified Financial Advice for Funding Care

Open Discussion Panel - Can we Solve the Dilemma?
Comment - led by David Brindle, Public Services Editor, The Guardian. Kerry Stevens, Head of Service Provision, Adult Social Care, Buckinghamshire County Council; Ian Owen, Chair of Partnership and ABI group on long-term care; Richard Humphries, Senior Fellow, Social Care, The King’s Fund; David Brindle, Public Service Editor, The Guardian.

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